LOT #87024 |
Sold on Nov 21, 2013 for:
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Sociology.com. ...
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Sociology.comThis is the exact-match domain name for a major field of study. Sociology is the study of human social behavior, and this name is being sold for well below our valuation. Sociology.com has solid rankings in the search engines, giving you a jump start on any development plans you may undertake for this domain name. Opportunities are endless for this asset and could range from teaching sociology to sociology degrees and jobs. Each month the exact term "Sociology" is searched 74,000 times in Google in the United States alone. Sociology.com is ranked well on Google when you search "sociology" giving you a tremendous head start for your development. This high volume of searches paired with the high prices advertisers are paying for visitors in this field have pushed the valuations of this asset well beyond the owner's reserve price.
Sociology.com receives a significant number of visitors each month - making the development potential even greater.
Note: The lowest valuation we could come up with was $125,000 while most of the third-party valuation services placed this name at mid six-figures.
Year Registered: 1997
Domain Age: 16 years
Google Search Results: 47,300,000
Google PPC Rate: $5.20
Auction Info
2013 November 21 Domain Names & Intellectual Property Signature Auction - New York #1115 (go to Auction Home page)
November, 2013
Bids + Registered Phone Bidders: 4
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 15,450
Buyer's Premium per Lot:
15% of the successful bid (minimum $14) per lot.
Shipping, Taxes, Terms and Bidding
Domain transfer typically occurs within one week, but can take up to one month. Sales Tax information
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Domain transfer typically occurs within one week, but can take up to one month. Sales Tax information
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