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Description was originally registered in 1997, making this domain name 16 years old. It is rare to find a short, one-word .com domain naming a major product category that has a reserve price under $100,000. has potential to be a category-leading brand in a large industry. "Suit" is searched over 40,000 times per month on Google in the United States alone, and there are over a dozen suit retailers who are fighting to capture the attention of online shoppers with advertisements on Google. This domain could either be a great investment piece or a branding opportunity for a major clothing supplier. Our valuations for this name are well above the reserve price. There are nearly 400 million search results in Google for the word "suit," but there is only one

Year Registered: 1997
Domain Age: 16 years
Google Search Results: 404,000,000
Google PPC Rate: $2.09

Auction Info

Auction Dates
November, 2013
21st Thursday
Bids + Registered Phone Bidders: 2
Lot Tracking Activity: N/A
Page Views: 4,057

Buyer's Premium per Lot:
15% of the successful bid (minimum $14) per lot.

Shipping, Taxes, Terms and Bidding
Domain transfer typically occurs within one week, but can take up to one month. Sales Tax information

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Sold on Nov 21, 2013 for: Sign-in or Join (free & quick)
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